Tag: ios

iOS integration testing with Xcode server and KIF framework

by iMind

Since we published our post about how to set up a basic CI environment for iOS projects using mainly Jenkins CI a lot of things have changed in the iOS testing and iOS developer universe. The community made serious amount of effort to make running automated building and testing a lot more straight forward.

Continuous Integration environment for iOS

by iMind

Using Continuous Integration (CI) can be very useful and worth the time of setting up even for medium sized software projects. CI is a toolset which blurs the barrier between software development and deployment. More precisely it means continuous and automatic builds, inspection and analysis of the codebase, deploy and other tasks.

Netavis iPad: a case study

by Tamás Terray

Our client is Netavis, who has been developing a successful video server solution for more than ten years. They handle tens of thousands of cameras wordwide, including systems with hundreds of devices.


by Tamás Terray

Our Italian client wins startup competition